depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
Dalszöveg - SHINE
There’s light here
And it shines on you
It shines, yeah it shines down
It shines on you

When you look around
It’s so profound
Oh we can do
You and me
All of us
Here we’re coming through
Here we’re coming through
We gonna shine on you

There’s light here
And it shines on you
It shines, yeah it shines down
It shines on you

Anyone can see
There’s destiny
For me and you
Alone it burns
Shines and is low
Shines on you
Yeah it shines down
Let it shine on you
Let it shine on you

There’s light here
And it shines on you
It shines, yeah it shines down
It shines on you
Yeah it shines on you
Let it shine on you

There’s light here
And it shines on you
It shines, yeah it shines down
It shines on you
Yeah it shines on you
Let it shine on you
Szerző: Soulsavers [Rich Machin, Ian Glover]
Ének: Dave Gahan
Következő 4209 Olvasás | 0 Hozzászólás | Nyomtatás

Módosítva: 2017.03.30. 08:46
Dalszöveg: SHINE

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