depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
depeCHe MODE Fanzine -
Dalszöveg - MY SUN
In the warm sun
In the arms of the devil
I’ve paid my debts
There’s a promise here to settle

I feel your sorrow, I feel your pain
Behind the darkest clouds the sun always shines again
I feel your sorrow, I feel your pain
Behind the darkest clouds the sun always shines again
My sun

I want more
It’s more than you can imagine
It’s no way to leave
It’s always’s bound to happen
I’ll never get old
Not older than you
I’m a sinner, i’m a saint
I’m nothing without you

I feel your sorrow, I feel your pain
Behind the darkest clouds the sun always shines again
I feel your sorrow, I feel your pain
Behind the darkest clouds the sun always shines again
My sun

That’s a glory
Deep in my soul
Inside screaming the devil’s taking hold
Through the sound of a passing dream
I hear you calling, calling out my name
Calling out my name
Szerző: Soulsavers [Rich Machin, Ian Glover]
Ének: Dave Gahan
Előző 5483 Olvasás | 0 Hozzászólás | Nyomtatás

Módosítva: 2017.03.30. 08:49
Dalszöveg: MY SUN

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